Support the Nusa Islands Coral Restoration

Blue Corner Marine Research team is currently working on restoring degraded areas of coral reef around Nusa Penida. In the last year we have planted well over 10.000 corals and worked on stabilizing rubble areas to bring back a healthy coral reef ecosystem.

Help us by supporting our efforts either by purchasing some coral frames for us to plant underwater, or if you are a certified diver, then joining a workshop and helping us restore the reef!

Donate to the Coral Restoration project with the following options below:

Fragment ($5) / Coral Frame ($50) / Nursery ($200)

Coral Fragment Donation $5
Coral Frame Donation $50
Coral Nursery Donation $200

Donate a custom amount to the project using the form below:


Interested in becoming a regular supporter of our project? Subscribe below to make monthly donations of either: $5 / $10 / $50

Donation Amount
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